One of the most important features of the magnificent
new Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is natural
light. Light manipulation is used here to create a feeling
of peace and gathering. The architect, Rafael Moneo
had Le Corbusier's Ronchamp Chapel and Erik
Brygggman's Resurrection Chapel as two main references
when designing this space. As in these two churches, the
space of Los Angeles Cathedral is enveloped in a
mysterious luminous atmosphere, that conveys an
unmistakable spiritual aura.
Intruding in this luminous atmosphere, however, are
numerous large bronze chandeliers/speakers which
cause a disappointing visual pollution in the nave of the
church. The size and quantity of these fixtures create a
low visual plane that distracts from and very much
contradicts the intended scale and nature of the designed
space. (It is important to note that Moneo was not at all
involved in the decision processes of choosing decorative
features for this Cathedral.)
Moneo's Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels:

Le Corbusier's Ronchamp Chapel:

Erik Brygggman's Resurrection Chapel:

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